This image is the cover for the book Book of Death and Madness, The Book of Ancient Evil

Book of Death and Madness, The Book of Ancient Evil

Monsters. Madness. Visions. 1885. Doctor Archibald Shaw and his young friend Singh arrive in England, one month behind the dangerous cult leader, Ananya. They must find her, and soon. Ananya holds a book of untold evil, brought with her from India. A book which could spell doom for all of humanity. Shaw and Singh are not alone in their search for Ananya and the book. Others want the volume for their own and will stop at nothing to get it. Meanwhile in London’s east end, monsters roam the shadows and people are disappearing. Is this also Ananya’s doing? Or do these monsters search for her as well? The world becomes even more nightmarish for Shaw and Singh. The elder god Cthulhu still sleeps, but for how much longer? Shaw fears what he sees in his dreams, and fears what actions he will need to take. How deep into a world of evil can one man slip? To save the world, can he do any less?

John Haas

John Haas is an award winning Canadian author living in the nation’s capital of Ottawa, Ontario. He grew up in Montreal, Quebec and also lived for many years in Calgary, Alberta, and misses each of those cities for different reasons. Since his early days John has been a story-teller, always making up the plots to whatever games he played with the other kids in the neighborhood. Now he focusses on getting those stories written down and published. In the last decade or so he has seen around twenty of his stories published in various excellent publications, including Writers of the Future volume 35. This book in your hands is his fifth to see publication. If you haven’t read Cults of Death and Madness yet you may want to start there, then come back to this one. It will make more sense. Currently he is hard at work on the next novel of Shaw and Singh’s struggles against the forces of darkness. His goal is to become a full time writer (every writer’s dream). Rich and famous would be nice, but one step at a time. When not writing John enjoys time with his two wonderful sons, doing all sorts of family stuff. He enjoys collecting action figures, reading comic book collections, as well as all things science-fiction, fantasy or horror related. Once and active game, these days he saves gaming (video and board) for family time with his boys.

WordFire Press