Free from the clutches of the wolf Burrmark, Jay leads the children ever south to their intended destination. There are still many mountains to cross, a permafrost, and a huge expanse of featureless snow with a storm brewing, as well as the constant daily search for food, which troubles their every step. As time drags on, each of the children has their own problems, needs, and hopes, all of which Jay, with his sister’s help, must somehow solve. What can a colony of penguins do to help? A wolf pack, a cave, and a second avalanche will test even their strongest beliefs. Will they ever reach the winter land and find their parents again?
Tom Jacomb has been writing science fiction for many years, of which he had many ideas, some poetry and children’s short animal stories; now in his 70’s, his favourite subject is children’s fantasy, where he lives and travels with his characters each and every day, through the good times and the bad.