A psychological concept training individuals to deal with common everyday problems. This volume presents a structured approach that teaches, step-by-step, how to identify a specific problem, how to then consider various alternative courses of action and how to follow through to solve the problem at hand.
Developed by the author, Dr. James R. Baugh, a leading clinical psychologist and lecturer, the book places special emphasis on individual responsibility for feelings that may impede problem solving and demonstrates how acceptance of such responsibility enhances the solution process.
Dr. Baugh shows how Solution Training can be used equally well in the business world and in individual and family situations, with emphasis on motivating individuals toward better performance, settling interpersonal conflicts and instituting creativity in one's corporate and/or personal life.
The head of a firm of psychological consultants in Jackson, Mississippi, Dr. Baugh developed Solution Training from a broadly based career that includes individual counseling and advising business organizations on human relationships. He also conducts Solution Training workshops and seminars throughout the nation.
Dr. Baugh earned his bachelor of science degree and master of science degree in psychology from North Texas State College. He earned his doctorate of philosophy in clinical psychology from Louisiana State University. Dr. Baugh is a member of numerous psychological and psychotherapy associations throughout Louisiana and Mississippi and has served on the Board of Psychological Examiners. He lives in Jackson, Mississippi.