The year is 1953, and 13-year-old Allan Smith is eager for adventure during his school holidays at his grandparents’ farm. Despite his family’s warnings about a forbidden and frightening place nearby, Allan’s curiosity is piqued. Determined to uncover the secrets of this mysterious location, Allan and his faithful friend Samuel embark on a surreal journey that will test their courage and resolve.
As they venture into the unknown, Allan and Samuel are unaware of the terrifying mysteries and dangers that await them. With a talent for adventure and a curious eye for the world, Allan must navigate through time and face extraordinary challenges to save his family.
Will you join Allan and Samuel on this incredible journey filled with mysteries, adventures, and time travel? Discover the truth behind the forbidden hill and experience the thrilling tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat!
Antonio Marques Filho was born in 1967 in Brazil. He was a banker and has always worked in accounting and business administration. Currently, he is an entrepreneur in the party business and feels very fulfilled with what he does.
Despite a lifetime amid numbers, Antonio has always found refuge in letters and reading good books, especially fiction rich in suspense and mystery. The desire to write only came in adulthood, but the taste for reading, which began in childhood, accompanied him throughout his life. Already in adolescence, his gift for creating stories and entertaining everyone with great adventures was noticed, which he does with great dedication in his book: Allan Smith and the Mysteries of the Forbidden Hills.