This image is the cover for the book Lead with Speed

Lead with Speed

The speed of the business is the speed of the leader. It’s time to up your game. One of the most important questions a leader can ask themselves is: “How do I get my teams, my organization to move faster?”That is the challenge that all leaders face. This challenge grows more intense every day. Lead with Speed is the answer. This problem of speed is often disguised by other symptoms, such as “my projects cannot make an accurate prediction of when they will be done” or the stated need of “my teams need to take more risks.” The real need is not reckless risk-taking that will lead to even more problems and finishing even later. The real need is for speed.An organization can only move as quickly as its leaders. Lead with Speed shows you how to get your ideas, plans, and needs disseminated quickly from the top down. Innovation, or genius, is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Alan Willett provides a comprehensive guide on how to sweat faster. You will learn how to:Develop the mind-set required for leading with speed•Discern the critical differences between slow and fast projects•Notice what you as a leader need to do to create those differences•Create a targeting system for speed•Get whole groups of people working together to create organizational speed•Lead the exceptional few to be the catalyst for accelerating your organization

Alan Willett

Alan Willett is an author, consultant, speaker, and expert at enabling leaders, teams, and organizations to take control of the accelerator of speed. He works with clients around the world, including the UK, Turkey, South Africa, China, India, Canada, and Mexico, and throughout the United States. He’s consulted for HP, Oracle, Microsoft, NASA, General Motors, Intuit, OnStar, Cornell University, Rutgers University, Technological de Monterrey, and many others. Alan’s passionate work has focused on leadership, with a laser focus on the unique challenges of leading in the elevated pressure environments of high-technology development.

Career Press