This image is the cover for the book Astounding Stories Of Super Science December 1930, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science December 1930, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science December 1930 features five Classic Science Fiction Stories from the "Golden Age of Science Fiction". Contents and short description: "Slaves Of Dust" by Sophie Wenzel Ellis: Fate’s Retribution Was Adequate. There Emerged a Rat with a Man’s Head and Face, "The Pirate Planet" by Charles W. Diffin: It is War. Interplanetary War. And on Far-Distant Venus Two Fighting Earthlings Stand Up Against a Whole Planet Run Amuck. (Part Two of a Four-Part Novel), "The Sea Terror" by Captain S.P. Meek: The Trail of Mystery Gold Leads Carnes and Dr. Bird to a Tremendous Monster of the Deep, "Gray Denim" by Harl Vincent: The Blood of the Van Dorn’s Ran in Karl’s Veins. He Rode the Skies Like an Avenging God, "The Ape-Men Of Xlotli": A Beautiful Face in the Depths of a Geyser—and Kirby Plunges into a Desperate Mid-Earth Conflict with the Dreadful Feathered Serpent. (A Complete Novelette.)

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