Astounding Stories Of Super Science December 1930 features five Classic Science Fiction Stories from the "Golden Age of Science Fiction". Contents and short description: "Slaves Of Dust" by Sophie Wenzel Ellis: Fate’s Retribution Was Adequate. There Emerged a Rat with a Man’s Head and Face, "The Pirate Planet" by Charles W. Diffin: It is War. Interplanetary War. And on Far-Distant Venus Two Fighting Earthlings Stand Up Against a Whole Planet Run Amuck. (Part Two of a Four-Part Novel), "The Sea Terror" by Captain S.P. Meek: The Trail of Mystery Gold Leads Carnes and Dr. Bird to a Tremendous Monster of the Deep, "Gray Denim" by Harl Vincent: The Blood of the Van Dorn’s Ran in Karl’s Veins. He Rode the Skies Like an Avenging God, "The Ape-Men Of Xlotli": A Beautiful Face in the Depths of a Geyser—and Kirby Plunges into a Desperate Mid-Earth Conflict with the Dreadful Feathered Serpent. (A Complete Novelette.)