Veronica Johnson, known as Ronny to friends, lives a quiet life in the sleepy area of Shaldon, Devon. At 30 years of age, her life revolved around her job as a nursery nurse in the village, and seeing her mother and stepfather who ran a cake shop. Then her life suddenly became busy, busy, busy after meeting her stepbrothers, identical twins, as well as discovering her favourite twin boys in the nursery were sons of the Casanova of the high school she had attended years ago. On meeting up with him, could Ronny trust him to be faithful? Did he still have a roving eye for the women?
Judy Prescott is a 66-year-old widow, originally from Bristol but living in South Wales. She has two grown-up children and five grandsons. Judy started writing in 2014, whilst recovering from breast cancer and hasn’t stopped writing since. Initially starting by tracing the family tree and her grandfather’s life, she wrote her first book about him and continued from there. This is her 6th book.