This image is the cover for the book Through Bitter Seas

Through Bitter Seas

"In war novels authors typically feature ships such as destroyers, battleships, or aircraft carriers, but not support vessels. By focusing on the support vessels, Parotti provides readers with a different view of the two wars and leaves them with an appreciation for the crafts’ significance along with the men who took care of these damaged ships." — National Maritime Historical Society

Assigned to U.S. Navy Rescue Tug, the ATR-3X, not long after the German surrender in North Africa, Ensign Hal Goff and four other officers must support the Allied invasion of Sicily and Italy, shepherding navy ships to and from the bitter fighting. With the Allied advance finally stopped cold along the Winter Line beneath Monte Cassino, Hal and his ship become part of the grueling invasion of Anzio and the seemingly endless stalemate across Anzio’s bloody beaches. Phillip Parotti’s new novel treats his readers to gripping World War II naval action in the Mediterranean Sea.

Phillip Parotti

Phillip Parotti grew up in Silver City, New Mexico, graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1963, and served four years at sea on destroyers, both in the Pacific and the Atlantic, before exchanging his regular commission for a commission in the U.S. Naval Reserve. In addition to a number of short stories, essays, and poems, Parotti has published three well received novels about The Trojan War. In retirement, Parotti and his wife, Shirley, live in their hometown where he continues to write and work as a print artist. Together, they have two daughters and four grandchildren.

Casemate Publishers