Scot McKnight here explains the Letter of James both in its own context and as it may be seen in light of ancient Judaism, the Graeco-Roman world, and emerging earliest Christianity.
From beginning to end, the book is shaped for pastors, teachers, and scholars. McKnight is less interested in shedding new light on James than on providing a commentary for those who want to explain the letter and its significance to congregations and classes.
This commentary is accessible to a broad readership, at once full of insight and of good sense and wit that makes for good reading. The Letter of James is an especially helpful source for consultation as to what James is about.
Scot McKnight teaches in the Doctor of Ministry program at Houston Theological Seminary. His many books include The Jesus Creed, A Community Called Atonement, A Church Called Tov (coauthored with Laura Barringer), Kingdom Conspiracy: Returning to the Radical Mission of the Local Church, The Second Testament: A New Translation, and multiple volumes in the New Testament Everyday Bible Study series.