This image is the cover for the book It's Not Your Turn

It's Not Your Turn

What do you do when it seems like everybody else is getting their dreams and you're not?

You don't have to be distressed when Instagram comparison makes you feel like others are more successful than you. Heather Thompson Day shows us what we can do to shape ourselves while waiting, so we are ready when it's our turn. She unpacks instant gratification and peer comparison in a social media world, and teaches how we can cultivate perspectives and practices that will enable us to be more content, patient, and constructive. We can learn to walk slowly and trust God to do his work in us, being more present in our relationships rather than striving for premature image-based success.

Your turn will come. Here's what you can do to get there.

Heather Thompson Day, Annie F. Downs

Heather Thompson Day is associate professor in the department of visual arts, communication, and design at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. She runs an online community called I'm That Wife and hosts the Viral Jesus podcast. An interdenominational speaker, Heather is the author of books including Confessions of a Christian Wife and How to Feed the Mediavore. She is a contributor for Religion News Service, Newsweek, and the Barna Group, and she previously taught at Colorado Christian University. She lives in Michigan with her husband and their three children.

InterVarsity Press