In 1972, the story begins and ends in 2002. After a covert operation in 1972 during the closing stages of the Vietnam War, a team of British SAS troopers was flown from their training base in Borneo through to Thailand to assist a CIA operation in Vietnam. The rendezvous was to at all times be of a covert nature and never exposed to media.
During this operation, the SAS uncover atrocities by the CIA team on local village communities. This leads to a fiery confrontation between the two groups resulting in casualties. The SAS team complete their mission objective of bringing out a prominent North Vietnamese official but because of the altercation between the teams, they were forced into an alternative evacuation plan.
The CIA having been faced with the fact of the atrocities being known and the loss of their colleagues by the SAS go on a mission of vengeance which lasts over thirty years.
Frank Warburton was born in the UK and raised in South London. Losing both parents as a teenager meant becoming independent was really quick.
He joined the British Army in 1968, serving his entire military career overseas as a specialist heavy vehicle mechanic on equipment such as Chieftan Tanks, M110 and their other associated equipment. He was attached to numerous regiments as REME such as 7 Armoured Brigade (Desert Rats) and 76 Maudes Battery RA.
He left military in 1980, emigrating to Australia where he has since worked in mining, construction and manufacturing as an engineer and trainer. Now retired and settled in Queensland.
Frank’s family consists of a combined seven children, eleven grandchildren and three great grandsons and two great granddaughters. Family is important and gives Frank and his wife great pleasure and purpose in life.
The main thought he has in life that gives me sense of reality and purpose is:
Blood is related.
Loyalty is family.