This image is the cover for the book Matriarchal Sunrise

Matriarchal Sunrise

In Matriarchal Sunrise, Alan finds himself entangled in an exhilarating challenge, one that beckons him into a realm he’s never explored: the vibrant world of femininity. After a fateful New Year’s encounter with two captivating women, he is presented with a tantalizing proposition: to immerse himself so deeply in the nuances of womanhood that he can convince the women at the Ladies Lunch at Hamilton Racecourse on his new feminine identity. With every step towards this seemingly impossible goal, Alan discovers layers of himself he never knew existed. From the intricate dance of body language to the art of voice modulation, from the sharp sting of laser hair removal to the subtleties of scent and style – Alan embarks on a transformative journey that challenges his perceptions of identity, sensuality, and societal norms. Yet, as the day of the event draws near, the looming question remains: Can he truly navigate this matriarchal world undetected, or will the rising sun reveal his ultimate death? Matriarchal Sunrise is a vivid tapestry of adventure, self-discovery, and the lengths one might traverse for love, acceptance, and a more sensual brush with Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. It’s a tale that resonates with the essence of transformation and the indomitable spirit of human exploration.

Jennifer Ross

Born in Scotland, Jennifer started her education in Malaya. Family travels took her to various schools and locations across the world. Following a successful career in aviation, she describes as ‘not without incident, and thankfully with the same number of landings as take-offs’, life became more sedentary. Lucky enough to have found somebody happy to do the cooking for all the family and as luck would have it, even capable in other areas of domestic activity. A later less-nomadic life style allowed two daughters to benefit from a settled education, unfortunately they lost out on adventure.

Austin Macauley Publishers