7 Russell Hill Road is a multi-generational story of humble beginnings in France, a camp in Germany after World War II, rural Jamaica, Vietnam, Sweden, USA, and an old farm north of Toronto, Canada. By 2007, through sheer circumstance, the individuals of the culturally and racially diverse Canadian family eventually find themselves living on a leafy street in an upscale neighborhood in Toronto, Canada. The central character, a Supreme Court justice, is hiding from life within the Canadian Witness Protection Program. He meets a single woman who has knocked around the world her whole life without attachments and who is quite unable to form them. Their crippling trust issues force them to choose the wrong fork in the road, time and time again.
Sandra Benns lives in Toronto, Canada, and enjoys her passion for writing and all things literary, along with running her non-profit corporation which focuses on seniors. When asked how she balances her writing schedule, work, and family life that includes two small granddaughters, she smiled and shook her head, “Pinch me. Just pinch me. I’m living the dream.”