This image is the cover for the book Sail Away

Sail Away

Sail Away is a suspenseful thriller set against the backdrop of tanker ships at sea.
Brian Ridley is a 3rd engineer in the British merchant navy who joins a super tanker on its way to Japan for a long overdue and major refit. Arriving at the shipyard in Sasebo, he is transferred to a second super tanker owned by the same company half way into being built.
Once at sea on the newly built tanker, Brian is sent to check the forward emergency fire pump, where he discovers what appears to be a bomb. Not sure who on board he can trust, he feigns illness and is airlifted back to England. Once back on UK soil, he contacts MI6 who take his report very seriously.
Now working with the British Secret Service, Brian is dropped back onto the first tanker under the disguise of being a representative of the shipyard. He discovers another bomb. Who is planting bombs onboard these ships?
Brian Ridley and MI6 are caught in a race against time as they try to avert a catastrophe on the high seas.

Barrie Wigley

BARRIE WIGLEY was born in Hampshire, England in 1942. Educated at Guildford College, Surrey, he went on to serve in the Royal and Merchant Navy before working in North Africa and countries of the Middle East including Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. He is married with four daughters, and now divides his time between living in the UK and Thailand.

Austin Macauley Publishers