A collection of crowd-sourced quips and quotes from real-life dads—from the profound to the hilarious.
The author of Like My Mother Always Said . . . presents a new volume that focuses on fatherly advice—gathered from contributors around the world. Dads may come from different places and have wildly varying personalities, but sometimes their wisdom is universal. Other times, it’s just plain bizarre . . .
“You can have as much freedom as you can pay for.”
“Nothing happens when you stay home.”
“Drink only one beer at a time.”
Covering a variety of subjects including “The Facts of Life,” “Growing Up Right,” and “Ask Your Mother,” Like My Father Always Said . . . is packed with hundreds of gems—the perfect book for anyone whose dad ever tried to steer them right.
Erin McHugh is a former publishing executive and author of more than twenty books of trivia, history, children’s stories, and more, including One Good Deed and Like My Mother Always Said….