This image is the cover for the book Small Changes, Big Rewards

Small Changes, Big Rewards

Sunday afternoons are supposed to be George and Ashton's time together. The two PhD students already have enough on their plates with lab reports, grant applications, and marking, so setting aside time for one another should be easy enough -- or so Ashton thinks.

When George wakes up and declares he can't eat their normal Sunday morning breakfast of pancakes, Ashton isn’t sure what to do. George's behavior continues to grow stranger as the day goes on, leaving Ashton in the lurch. Is George's sudden health kick just that, or has their age difference finally caught up to them?

Ashton tries to take what's left of Sunday to pull George out of his funk and prove to him that the smallest changes in lifestyle can often yield the biggest rewards.

Francis Gideon

Francis Gideon is a writer of m/m romance, but has also dabbled in mystery, historical, fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal fiction. For more information, visit