Astounding Stories Of Super Science June 1930 features six Classic Science Fiction Stories from the "Golden Age of Science Fiction". Contents and short description: "Out Of The Dreadful Depths" by C.D. Willard:Robert Thorpe Seeks Out the Nameless Horror That Is Sucking All Human Life Out of Ships in the South Pacific, "Murder Madness" by Murray Leinster: Bell, of the Secret "Trade," Strikes into the South American Jungle to Find the Hidden Stronghold of the Master—the Unknown Monster Whose Diabolical Poison Swiftly and Surely Is Enslaving the Whole Continent. (Part Two of a Continued Novel) "The Cavern World" by James P. Olsen: A Great Oil Field Had Gone Dry—and Asher, Trapped Far under the Earth Among the Revolting Petrolia, Learns Why. "Brigands Of The Moon" by Ray Cummings: The Besieged Earth-men Wage Grim, Ultra-scientific War with Martian Bandits in a Last Great Struggle for Their Radium-ore—and Their Lives. (Conclusion) "Giants Of The Ray" by Tom Curry: Madly the Three Raced for their Lives up the Shaft of the Radium Mine, for Behind Them Poured a Stream of Hideous Monsters—Giants of the Ray! "The Moon Master" by Charles W. Diffin: Through Infinite Deeps of Space Jerry Foster Hurtles to the Moon—Only to be Trapped by a Barbaric Race and Offered as a Living Sacrifice to Oong, their Loathsome, Hypnotic God. (A Complete Novel.)