This image is the cover for the book The Education of a Musician’s Daughter

The Education of a Musician’s Daughter

Attending college in the late 60s and early 70s was a challenge, but for Susan (now known as Sonya), it was also a blessing. Despite suffering an identity crisis during her sophomore year and navigating the pitfalls of the drug culture, Susan ultimately benefited from the open-minded spirit of the era.

This book, however, starts at the beginning of Susan’s education, during her kindergarten year, where she flourished in a magical world shared with her best friend. This idyllic time abruptly ended when her father uprooted the family from their Queens apartment to Schenectady for a job teaching music in public schools. The transition was difficult, and it took years for Susan to thrive in her new environment. Her awkward growth spurt alienated her from peers, and an encounter with a bully left her traumatized. Yet, the most challenging relationship was with her mother.

Fortunately, Susan was guided by a series of role models. Her father, a soulful musician, remained devoted and his love shone through the darkest times. Her Hebrew School principal, a Holocaust survivor, inspired her with his faith and New Age vision of the future. Two public school teachers believed in her, fostering her self-confidence. Under the wings of her Aunt Sonia, a disabled woman with an infectious positive attitude, Susan thrived. Aunt Sonia’s captivating stories also illuminated their fascinating family history.

Sonya Trevizo

Sonya Trevizo, aka Susan Takaroff, was born in New York City. Her family moved to Schenectady NY when she was eight years old because her father had secured a position teaching music in the public schools. She earned a Liberal Arts degree with a specialization in photography at SUNY Binghamton. Her photography career began in Colorado at Sears Portrait Studio, and soon continued at Candid Weddings. She resumed her career at Lifetouch International Studios as a school photographer. The opportunity to write began when she volunteered at horse rescues. Since one of her responsibilities there was to photograph horses, she eventually began to write so that she could tell the stories documented by her photographs. Sonya currently resides in Schenectady, NY, where she spends most of her free time writing.

Austin Macauley Publishers