Drawing on his experience of over 50 years of health care service the author has imagined how life would improve if mankind moved towards a more caring and loving society. While mankind has greatly benefited from the goods and services which have been delivered by capitalist societies, the excesses of capitalism and the selfishness which leads to inequity have ruined many lives. Love calls us to a caring capitalism in which competition delivers high standards while governance protects the poor. Everyone’s basic needs are met by this society. The model of inspection against governance standards has been used with great success by the Care Quality Commission to improve care and to protect vulnerable patients in the UK National Health Service. With the potential disasters of a viral pandemic followed by the environmental threat of global warming, capitalists are being called to work primarily for care and not primarily for money. It is interesting that this same message is contained in the teachings of Jesus who founded our culture.
Peter Coates is a retired doctor. He trained in Haematology at University College Hospital in London between 1981 and 1988. Between 1988 and 2015 he was part of the team that built up the Clinical Haematology services at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn. Since retirement, he has undertaken voluntary work with Churches Together in King’s Lynn, Macmillan Cancer Support, local hospital and prison chaplaincies, and is currently a trustee of the Norfolk Hospice Tapping House and the King’s Lynn Night Shelter for the homeless. He is a member of a local poetry group called Centre Poets.