This image is the cover for the book Because I Said So, My Life … MOM?!

Because I Said So, My Life … MOM?!

Do the words "What's for dinner?" make you cringe? Are you tired of one-word answers from the teenager in the house? These hilarious stories are a laugh-out-loud look at everyday life. From "A construction company…what were we thinking?" to "My Big, Fat Tongue," you won't be able to put this one down.

Because I Said So! by comedy author Michelle Hoppe is a look into the ups and downs of raising a family, while attempting to become an author. Take a peek into the family life of the Hoppe clan and discover how Michelle turned everyday life into delightfully funny stories.

Michelle was blessed with the ability to view life through rose tinted glasses. Unlike Claire Tomalin, who said "My life was a sort of series of random disasters," Michelle's life, with her twisted sense of humor and a madcap home crew, is more a series of random "by the seat of your pants motherhood".

Growing up, Michelle loved to read books by Erma Bombeck; books like If Life is a Bowlful of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits and Motherhood taught her to look for the humor in life. Michelle's favorite Erma quote "When humor goes, there goes civilization!" seemed like a call to action, so this comedy autobiography is her contribution to the continuation of mankind, oops…personkind!

This hilarious book contains humor about family life, motherhood, and parenting, and is sure to keep you laughing from beginning to end.

Michelle Hoppe

Author Michelle Hoppe first discovered a love for writing in a HS creative writing class, and has been creating romantic comedy, chic lit, paranormal, and contemporary stories ever since. Michelle writes sexy stories with an edge and humorous stories about life as a mother and grandmother. She lives in a quiet little town in WA State, USA. With beautiful beaches, stately mountains, an active volcano, and an abundance of nature, it is an ideal location to write her novels, poetry, and stories.

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