Dr. Zheng Ma, the visionary behind the groundbreaking coronavirus vaccine vector, finds himself at the heart of a global crisis as a devastating pandemic emerges from his beloved second hometown, Wuhan. In Dr. Zheng’s state-of-the-art laboratory, a team of expert scientists delves into the world of dangerous viruses, with a unique coronavirus sample distinct from any known strain. Dr. Zheng’s goal was to create a revolutionary vaccine by weaving HIV proteins into the coronavirus genome, aiming to halt the spread of AIDS. However, the coronavirus strain fuelling the epidemic in Wuhan bears little resemblance to Dr. Zheng’s creation, harbouring artificial insertions of an unknown nucleotide sequence. As Dr. Zheng grapples with the implications of his findings, he realizes his laboratory has never ventured into such uncharted territory, leaving him shrouded in doubt and uncertainty in a world forever changed.
Ospanov Bolat Karimovich, a proud Kazakh from the Naiman clan and the Mambetkul (Kyrzhy) family lineage, is the son of Ospanov Karim and Atieva Kanym, two extraordinary individuals who have significantly influenced his life. Bolat’s academic journey is marked by his graduation from two prestigious institutions: a medical university and a pedagogical university. He is a writer, a teacher, a doctor of virology, with a PhD (Doctor of Medicine) and a member of the American Society of Microbiologists.