Deborah Marie Newbitt, a resident of Christchurch, New Zealand, has been an avid poet since the age of eight, when her Nana Ivy Preston, a renowned author, encouraged her to write. In her debut anthology, Nature’s Universe, Deborah’s passion for the natural world is evident in each of the 30 poems included. Whether read as a family or individually, the poems are infused with detail and insight, reflecting Deborah’s unique perspective on the wonders of nature. Each poem in Nature’s Universe celebrates the beauty and diversity of our planet. So, whether you’re a nature enthusiast or simply looking for a moment of quiet reflection, Nature’s Universe is the perfect read.
Deborah Newbitt, poetry book is a creative work of art, an anthology of 30 poems which is written about nature and a collection of the world which includes places such as Hawaii, Majorca, Africa, England and Rome, it features life in the natural world, which includes poems such as cats, sunsets, rose, eagles and a lavender farm. It is a great collection to read and its common theme is natures universe.