This image is the cover for the book Unpacking Italy

Unpacking Italy

Tony Gates has a love affair with Italy. This book shares the affair with you. He has visited Italy more times than he knows. He brings to this “unpacking” of Italy the experience of many years, enjoyment of its many cultures, fascination with the events which brought a united Italy into being, deep appreciation of its art, and engagement with its people and places. This is not a guidebook. Tony wants to take you to the heartbeat of Italy, a journey which looks carefully at the events and scenes along the way and listens attentively to the pulse beats of the Italian peninsula. The journey reveals that there is really more than one Italy. Greeks, Romans, Etruscans, Umbrians, Normans, Lombards, French and many others have ensured that. Where once Latin held pride of linguistic place, numerous dialects remain, pointing to the variety that is the Italy which the author shares with you. His hope is that you will find an exciting Italy as you join him on the journey. Tony wishes you Buon Viaggio.

Tony Gates

Tony Gates was born in England and now lives in South Australia. His working life has included merchant seaman and army service, personnel and training, tour leading and extensive personal travel. His interests include fly-fishing, classical music, railways, writing, language, travel, history, theology and art. He has long been in love with Italy and does not know how many times he has visited the Italian Peninsula. Father of two adult sons and an adult daughter, he is married to his beloved Ruth.

Austin Macauley Publishers