This image is the cover for the book Hazel and Her Sun

Hazel and Her Sun

Hazel had a unique wish: she wanted the sun all to herself. Her love for its radiant glow was so immense that she thought it best to keep it within the confines of her own room, nestled in a fishbowl, no less. This way, she could bask in its glorious light at all hours, not just during the day. And how does one fulfil such a grand desire? By stealing it, naturally. But would such a bold act go unnoticed? Could Hazel find herself in trouble for her sun-snatching adventure? Hazel and Her Sun is the enchanting tale of a little girl who daringly captures the sun – if only for a short time. Her journey takes a turn when she realizes that achieving her dream doesn’t bring the joy she expected. This heartwarming story unfolds Hazel’s realization about the true nature of happiness and the importance of sharing beauty with the world.

Farnaz Calafi

Some of Farnaz Calafi’s most vivid childhood memories involve reading and listening to stories. Princesses with long hair, kings in despair, and fairies so frisky, they danced in the air. While in high school and college, Farnaz worked at her mother’s childcare where she noticed that the chaos of school life subsided only during story time. She hopes Hazel and Her Sun is the kind of story that invites kids to pause and be all ears and starry-eyed.

Austin Macauley Publishers