This image is the cover for the book Live-In Lover

Live-In Lover

In ten years with the FBI, Damien Perry had posed as a drug lord, a terrorist, even a hit man. Now the thrill was gone. But what would he do if he quit? Maybe the answer was in the mail, on the card from Marian Olivia Jensen—Molly, as he remembered her. The earthy redhead who aroused unfamiliar fantasies of a wife and family in his jaded soul.

Molly Jensen was finally safe from her menacing ex-husband—until he was released from jail. Now the threatening phone calls wouldn’t stop. Molly knew there was only one man who could help her: Damien Perry. His charade as her live-in lover was ingenious, but how long could she pretend to be pretending?

Lyn Stone

Lyn Stone studied art and worked in Europe while she visited the places she now writes about in her historicals. It was when she was working as an illustrator that she had the idea of trying to freelance romance novel covers. But, while studying the market on covers, she became firmly hooked on the contents of the books and decided to try writing instead! Lyn loves to hear from her readers and can be contacted via her website guestbook at:
