This image is the cover for the book Bomber Command War Diaries

Bomber Command War Diaries

The essential WWII historical reference detailing RAF Bomber Command’s extensive campaign of strategic bombings across occupied Europe.

The Royal Air Force Bomber Command's strategic bombing campaign started on the first day of the Second World War and ended five and a half years later with the final victory in Europe. It was a campaign of such enormous scale that historians have only recently begun to piece together the finer details of the individual raids. Aviation historian Martin Middlebrook and his research colleague, Chris Everitt, were the first to compile a complete review of all the raids and their background stories.

The Bomber Command War Diaries not only documents every Bomber Command operation but also details their effects on the ground, drawing on local archives from Germany, Italy, and the occupied countries. It is a groundbreaking work on historical research, bringing together the two sides of Bomber Command’s war.

This edition includes retrospective observations and a new appendix.

Martin Middlebrook, Chris Everitt

Martin Middlebrook has written many other books that deal with important turning-points in the two world wars, including The First Day on the Somme, Kaiser's Battle, The Peenemünde Raid, The Somme Battlefields (with Mary Middlebrook) and The Nuremberg Raid 30-31st March 1944 (all republished and in print with Pen and Sword).Martin Middlebrook is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and lives near Boston, Lincolnshire

Pen & Sword Aviation