This image is the cover for the book Coralville, Images of America

Coralville, Images of America

Although Coralville is a lot like other small American cities, it is unique as the only community of that name in the United States. Located on the Iowa River, the name refers to the ancient coral reefs that are its geological bedrock. The river has always been a key aspect of Coralville's history, along with its proximity to Iowa City, the first capital of the Territory of Iowa and the home of the University of Iowa. Incorporated as a city in 1873, Coralville had few residents until the 1960s, when dynamic commercial and residential development brought substantial growth to the area. Today, Coralville is a city of industry, commerce, and hospitality. It is not surprising, therefore, that "Coralville Pride" is the city motto.

Timothy Walch

Timothy Walch is the director emeritus of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, a former trustee of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and a longtime member of the Iowa State Historical Records Advisory Board. Educated at the University of Notre Dame and Northwestern University, Dr. Walch is a frequent contributor to Iowa Heritage Illustrated, the quarterly magazine of the State Historical Society of Iowa.

Arcadia Publishing