This image is the cover for the book The Pike's Peak Rush, Or, Terry in the New Gold Fields, Classics To Go

The Pike's Peak Rush, Or, Terry in the New Gold Fields, Classics To Go

Excerpt: “"Twenty-five thousand people—and more on the way! Think of that!" exclaimed Mr. Richards, Terry's father. It was an evening in early April, 1859, and spring had come to the Richards ranch, up the Valley of the Big Blue, Kansas Territory. Excitement had come, too, for Harry (Harry Revere, that is, the clever, boyish Virginia school-teacher who was a regular member of the family) had been down to the town of Manhattan, south on the Kansas River and the emigrant trail there, and had brought back some Kansas City and St. Louis papers. They were brimming with the news of a tremendous throng of gold-seekers swarming to cross the plains for the new gold fields, discovered only last year, in the Pike's Peak country of the Rocky Mountains."


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