In a gripping tale spanning seven decades and three continents, the story of a strange ring unfolds and with it the story of the people whose lives will be irrevocably changed by owning it. The mystery begins with the unsolved murder of historian Dr Charles Gibson at his home in Edinburgh. Meanwhile, two thousand miles away in Rome, a passionate love affair ends in ignominious dismissal for former British diplomat Angharad Wilson when her lover is exposed as a field operative for the Iranian Intelligence Services. Exonerated from a potential charge of treason but not reinstated Angharad is unemployed. Caught in the lining of a coat she buys from a charity shop she finds an ugly but clearly valuable gold ring. Her search for the owner will take her from Edinburgh’s New Town to Istanbul. It will set her on the trail of former Waffen SS Officer Hans Peter von Seidel, wanted for major war crimes, but forced out of hiding in a desperate attempt to retrieve the ring; and to her final, terrifying encounter with him.
J.T. Fernie is the pen name of Moira Macfarlane, British Consul in Florence for eight years and briefly Acting Director of the British Institute of Florence. Her early love of telling stories led her first into teaching, then as an HMI with the former Scottish Office Education Department. Her love of travel and literature enlivened the stories she told to children and friends, allowing free rein to her imagination—a freedom denied in writing educational reports for publication. Moira returned to Scotland when she retired and, encouraged by her children and happily distracted by her grandchildren, began writing fiction. The Istanbul Ring is her first novel.