This image is the cover for the book Red Popcorn Strings and Gumball Rings, 2017 Advent Calendar - Stocking Stuffers

Red Popcorn Strings and Gumball Rings, 2017 Advent Calendar - Stocking Stuffers

Christmas is coming, and young couple Casey and Ellis are very much in love. Unfortunately, they’re also the definition of dirt poor, and they don’t have the money for nonessentials like decorations. Or a turkey. Or gifts. Between the recent death of Casey’s beloved momma and Ellis’s estrangement from his family, all they have is each other.

When Ellis finds the saddest-looking Christmas tree south of the Mason-Dixon Line thrown away outside his workplace and brings it home to Casey, things look up. Life is still a struggle, but wealth isn’t always measured in money, and what seems worthless to others is often invaluable to the people who love it.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."

Nell Iris

Dreamspinner Press