This image is the cover for the book Open Mind

Open Mind

Discover the different kinds of natural intelligence in yourself and others with this groundbreaking new approach to effective learning.

Too often, adults close themselves off from their own intelligence with comments like “I’m not great with words” or “I’m no good at math.” In truth, every one of us has a special genius capable of mastering virtually any subject we choose. Discovering the nature of your genius is the key to faster learning and better communication. As Dr. Dawna Markova explains, true learning is a matter of discovering who you really are.

Each of us fits into one of six basic learning patterns. InOpen Mind, Dr. Markova guides us through detailed descriptions of each and teaches us how to recognize them in ourselves and others. Full of invaluable information, this practical guide can revolutionize the way you approach learning, communication, work, and love.

Dawna Markova

Dawna Markova Ph.D. is internationally known for her ground-breaking work in helping people learn with passion and live purposefully. She is former research affiliate of the Organizational Learning Center at MIT, and her previous books include The Open Mind, No Enemies Within, An Unused Intelligence, How Your Child is Smart, and Learning Unlimited.

Conari Press