The Gold Conspiracy is a gripping historical novel that delves into the complex and tumultuous world of apartheid South Africa. The story centers around the small, diverse community of Vrededorp, also known as Fietas, and the struggles its inhabitants faced under the oppressive laws of the Zuid Afrikaanse Republiek. Through the eyes of the community's residents, readers will witness the resilience and determination of those who fought against injustice, including a teacher who produced prodigious minds despite limited resources and a community leader who fought for economic survival. The novel also explores the cultural diversity of Fietas, including the influence of Muslim and Malay cultures and the establishment of mosques, a girls’ school, a football league, and more. This novel offers a powerful and nuanced portrayal of a community’s struggle for freedom and justice in the face of oppression.
Dr Magasvaran R. Pather is a senior lecturer in English skills and Business Communication at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. This book, The Gold Conspiracy, explores how greed and avarice through amassing large sums of money from the proceeds of gold buying and selling can alter sensibilities. It falls into the genre, historical fiction, and is set in the Apartheid Era in South African History, it recalls the oppressive nature of apartheid not only at state level but also within a family.