This image is the cover for the book A Holiday Tradition

A Holiday Tradition

What are the things in life you’re going to regret?

Paul Carpenter is trying to atone for his youthful mistakes. That’s why he’s working on a finance degree to make his father happy, rather than pursuing his passion for art. He didn’t expect to spend winter in the balmy sunshine of a Florida RV park with the maternal grandfather he barely remembers, but with his leg in a cast and a paper to write, it’s the perfect way to avoid the distractions of his favorite holiday.

Then he meets sexy, hardworking Kevin Lombardo, the owner of the RV park. For Paul, Kevin's a distraction he can't -- or doesn't want to -- avoid. When Grandpa Louie, a self-confessed geriatric Casanova, infects Paul's laptop with ransomware, he finds himself working closely with Kevin on the borrowed office computer. He's also drawn into park life, seeing firsthand the passion Kevin brings to his work, and how genuine job satisfaction can create a family for all.

As for Kevin himself, he wants Paul to celebrate the joy of the holidays, despite the lack of snow and cold, and he doesn’t want him to settle for a life he doesn’t desire. With the help of Grandpa Louie and a handful of interfering park residents, can Kevin help Paul create a new holiday tradition they both can share?

Chrissy Munder