Mix and match precut blocks for endless quilt creations Embrace the creativity and fun of precut quilt projects that will have you quilting in a flash! If you are one of many readers who loved Playful Precut Quilts, you'll love this new collection of 15 quilt projects made with 12" blocks. Mix and match the blocks across all quilt projects and Amanda's precut quilt books! Use your treasured precut bundles for one-of-a-kind projects, or use this book as an excuse to stock up on more precuts that catch your eye (and your heart). Features all your favorite precuts, fat quarters, fat eighths, 10" squares, 5" squares, and 2.5" strips Select quilt projects have blocks set on point, opening up even more design possibilities With so many fabric options and quilts of various seasonal themes to choose from, the hardest part is deciding where to begin
Amanda Niederhauser learned to sew at a young age and fell for quilting after graduating college. Always inspired by fabric, she designs quilt patterns for her blog, magazines, and Etsy. Amanda lives in Southern California with her husband, three children, and her cat Mufasa. jedicraftgirl.com