The White Conquerors: A Tale of Toltec and Aztec is a historical fiction novel written by Kirk Munroe. It is set in the ancient Mesoamerican civilization of the Toltecs and Aztecs, and follows the story of a young Aztec warrior named Tlahuicole. Tlahuicole is taken captive by the Toltecs, but eventually becomes a respected member of their society. However, when the Aztecs rise to power and threaten the Toltecs, Tlahuicole must choose between loyalty to his adopted people and his own Aztec heritage. The novel explores themes of identity, loyalty, and the clash of cultures. It provides a vivid depiction of Mesoamerican society, customs, and beliefs, and offers a unique perspective on the conquest of the region by the Spanish. Overall, ""The White Conquerors"" is a thrilling and thought-provoking tale that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and those interested in the history of Mesoamerica. (amazon)
Kirk Munroe (1850-1930) was an American author and journalist, best known for his adventure novels and stories for young readers. His works often featured tales of exploration, adventure, and outdoor life, making him a popular writer of juvenile fiction during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Kirk Munroe's novels for young readers and his love for adventure and exploration continue to be appreciated for their ability to inspire a sense of wonder and adventure in readers, especially among young audiences.