This image is the cover for the book The Hitchhike

The Hitchhike

Mark Paul Smith's hitchhike from Indiana to India in 1972 changed him from being an Air Force Officer into a conscientious objector. He hitchhiked through the Iron Curtain and worked on a collective farm in Hungary only to find that communism wasn't our real enemy. He met people from North Vietnam who showed him the real enemy was the U.S. war machine. Being an American was popular in those days, but the people of the world showed Smith kindness and kept him alive when he ran out of money. The long road to decision showed him that people everywhere want peace, not war. His faith in the United States of America was restored when he sued the government and won his case in federal court.

Mark Paul Smith

Mark Paul Smith has been a trial attorney for nearly forty years. After returning from The Hitchhike in 1972, he became a newspaper reporter for four years and then played in a rock bank on Bourbon Street in New Orleans for several years. He's still playing in bands as his legal career morphs into writing novels. He and the artist Jody Hemphill Smith own Castle Gallery Fine Art in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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