This image is the cover for the book Historic Tales of St. Louis, Forgotten Tales

Historic Tales of St. Louis, Forgotten Tales

The Tales That Made St. Louis St. Louis may be known as the Gateway to the West, but its history holds many stories buried through time that show a different side. Discover which Hollywood leading man and heartthrob originated the custom of leaving a chocolate on a hotel pillow. Learn which high school was named after a senator who was nearly beaten to death on the senate floor. Puzzle over the lavish dinner party held in a sewer, and be amazed to find a masterpiece hidden in the ceiling of a U-Haul building. Author and historian Mark Zeman unveils the forgotten history of St. Louis.

Mark Zeman

A historian and writer, Mark Zeman received his Master of Arts degree in English from California State University, Sacramento, with studies in medieval history at the University of Wales in Swansea, Great Britain. Within several disciplines, he has been a professional writer for more than thirty years and has received numerous literary awards. While not a St. Louis native, he has made an extensive study of the city and its fascinating history. Years ago, he developed a website Tour Saint Louis, and he currently maintains two Facebook pages about St. Louis: "St. Louis Sculpture," with photos, writeups and a locator map of more than eight hundred sculptures, and "St. Louis Secluded Places." His Facebook regularly features art, architecture, events and festivals in the St. Louis area, as well as history from across the globe.

The History Press