This image is the cover for the book Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in the Isle of Wight, Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths

Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths in the Isle of Wight, Foul Deeds & Suspicious Deaths

Discover the darker side of this scenic destination with over twenty true-crime tales, accompanied by photos and illustrations.

Its natural beauty attracts countless visitors—but notorious cases of murder, deceit, and pure malice have marked the long history of this apparently peaceful island. From crimes of passion to opportunistic killings and coldly premeditated acts of murder, the full spectrum of criminality is recounted here. For this journey into a bloody, neglected aspect of the past, Isle of Wight historian and crime writer M.J. Trow has selected over twenty notorious episodes that give a fascinating insight into criminal acts and the criminal mind.

He throws light into the shadowy world of the smugglers, pirates, and robbers who plagued the island’s early history. He recalls the escape attempts of Charles I from Carisbrooke Castle, the mysterious loss of the Mary Rose and HMS Royal George, and the scandalous conduct of Lady Worsley. In vivid, sometimes shocking detail, he reconstructs notable criminal cases, including the brutal murders that have marked the island’s more recent past. In addition, he delves into the history of the island’s three prisons—Albany, Parkhurst, and Camp Hill—which have housed many of Britain’s most violent criminals.

M. J. Trow

M.J.Trow is a crime historian who has written several books on Jack the Ripper and the murders of his time. One of them, Quest for a Killer featured as a documentary for the Discovery Channel in 2009. He has conducted his own Ripper walks in Whitechapel and is a regular lecturer at the annual Ripper conferences held each summer.
