This image is the cover for the book Notes from the Heart, Whispers of the Soul

Notes from the Heart, Whispers of the Soul

Notes from the Heart by Margaret Ffrench covers the work Margaret composed during the final two years of her life, she died when she was 64, two years after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Each poem is written with a passion which is intended to raise the emotions of the reader.
The work in each poem sets out the inexhaustible journey through the final two years of Margarets life setting out beautiful descriptions of hope, anxiety, and the cry for the chalice to pass but only when she was ready, and her work was done.
Some of her work rails against the preconception of some who assumed they knew best and tried to dictate how Margaret should live her life and when her intelligence is questioned, she responds with the sharpest of reposits. She makes it very clear that no one will condemn her before she decides when the battle has run its course.
Beauty abounds in the poems together with grace, humour, intelligence, and thankfulness, we are given within these poems a unique legacy of the how a beautiful human being comes to terms with her imminent passing and her determination to display her feelings and thoughts in the hope it helps others on their life journey.

Margaret Ffrench

Margaret was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the “silent killer”, in October 2016; she was told to prepare for death. She set about using her passion for words to write her poetry over the remaining two years of her life. She died in October 2018. Margaret used her passion to compose, and together with her desire to articulate her feelings, has left a body of work which is meant to move the reader and to give hope. Each poem sets out the anguish of suffering but lifts the reader because of the love set out in her compositions, and they portray Margaret’s tenacity, gratitude for the love given to her, her intelligence and the belief Margaret had that she would be released from pain as she ascended into eternal peace. Margaret said to me, “I am writing something for you; read it when I am gone”, when I did read her work, my heart ached with pain, my tears fell, and I screamed in anguish.

Austin Macauley Publishers