This image is the cover for the book Early Candlelight Stories, Classics To Go

Early Candlelight Stories, Classics To Go

Excerpt: "Grandma had come to spend the winter, and Bobby and Alice and Pink were watching her fix up her room. It was the guest room, and the children had always thought it a beautiful room, with its soft blue rug, wicker chairs, and pretty cretonne draperies. But Grandma had had all the furniture taken out, and the rug, carefully rolled up and wrapped in thick paper to keep the moths out, had been carried to the attic. Then Grandma—but Mother called Bobby and Alice and Pink to come and get their wraps and go out to play a while. Grandma, seeing them edge reluctantly toward the head of the stairs, said cheerfully, as she bustled about unpacking the great box that held her “things,” “Never mind, dears. Run out and play now, and tonight we’ll have a regular housewarming. Come to my[10] room at seven o’clock and we will have a little party.” Just as the clock in the hall downstairs struck the first stroke of seven, Alice rapped loudly on Grandma’s door."

Stella C. Shetter

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