This image is the cover for the book Insurrectionist


The Insurrectionist is a captivating historical novel that follows the militant abolitionist John Brown from his involvement in Bleeding Kansas to the invasion of Harpers Ferry and the dramatic conclusion of his subsequent trial. Herb Karl carefully blends historical detail with dramatic personal descriptions to reveal critical episodes in Brown's life, illuminating his character and the motives that led up to the Harpers Ferry invasion, giving readers a complete picture of the man who has too often been dismissed as hopelessly fanatical. Brown's friendship with Frederick Douglass and their ongoing debate on how to end slavery, his devoted family, who stand by him despite the danger, and his struggles to secure funding and political favor for his cause against deeply entrenched politicians all make for a surprisingly contemporary story of family, passion, race, and politics.

Herb Karl

Herb Karl is an emeritus faculty member from the University of South Florida St. Petersburg.  He is the author of a YA novel, The Toom County Mud Race that was published as an honor book by Delacorte; a version of the novel had been named earlier as a winner of the Florida Screenwriters Competition.  He is also the author of a short story selected for publication in From One Experience to Another, a collection of stories written by award-winning authors sharing real-life experiences through fiction. He lives in Burnsville, North Carolina.

Chicago Review Press