This image is the cover for the book Murder in the City

Murder in the City

Murder in the City: How London Was Built delves into the lives of Irish emigrants working in the building trade in London. When a disagreement between two men working for an Irish subcontractor leads to one of their deaths, their boss and foreman attempt to cover up the murder for personal gain, aided by other members of the crew. The book investigates the reasons behind this disturbing event and the circumstances that led to it, delving into the backgrounds of the men involved and examining the culture of the Irish community in which they lived. Through in-depth analysis, the book seeks to understand the complex motivations and behaviors of these characters and the environment in which they operated.

Nicky Brennan

This information is limited due to the nature and sources of the book. Nicky Brennan was born in the Irish Republic, and came to England to work initially on the buildings, which is the source of the subject matter for this book. The author later became a scientist and worked under the general umbrella of the NHS. For a long time, the author had an interest in the progress of the Irish people in Britain and what problems they encounter that inhibit such progress. It was from information garnered in this quest that the material for this book was sourced.

Austin Macauley Publishers