This image is the cover for the book The Voices of the New Testament

The Voices of the New Testament

Is there a single message of the New Testament? Theologians seek to bring coherence to the diverse teachings and approaches found in the New Testament, but this is no simple task. While the New Testament writers are clearly all concerned with the story and significance of Jesus, the New Testament itself is a collection of twenty-seven books written by at least nine different authors who address individuals or groups in several different locations over a number of years. This variety offers a challenge, yet also adds richness to our understanding of the Christian faith and its fundamental beliefs. Envisioning a roundtable conversation among the New Testament writers, Derek Tidball reveals how much these authors have in common while permitting them to emphasize their distinct contributions in articulating the message of good news. The result of eavesdropping on their imagined discussion is a fascinating introduction to the diversity and unity of the New Testament.

Derek Tidball

Derek Tidball is visiting scholar at Spurgeon's College, London. Previously he served as principal of the London School of Theology where he lectured in pastoral theology. His books include The Reality of Christ: The Message of Colossians for Today, Skillful Shepherds: Explorations in Pastoral Theology, and commentaries in the Bible Speaks Today Series. In addition, he is series editor for the Bible Speaks Today Bible Themes Series.

InterVarsity Press